1 World Aluminium Production - MARTIN IFFERT CONSULTING

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1 World Aluminium Production

WHERE WE PLAY > Aluminium
Aluminium Production has increased significantly in the past two decades. While the CAGR was still below 2.5% in the 80’s and 90’s, it rose to over 5% after the turn of the century and remained at this level until recently.

In the past 10 years, China’s share of global aluminium production increased from around 10% to almost 60%. This development is astonishing when you consider that China has only 20% of the WW population and contains no raw materials – except of coal.
A closer analysis of this fact shows that China's business model consists of a strategic supply of raw materials, mainly from Africa, and the use of abundant local coal.

The huge increase in Chinese aluminium production with electricity generation based on 90% coal-based electricity explains the change in WW power sources for aluminium production from over 50% hydropower in the 80s to over 60% coal-based electricity generation nowadays.
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